Introduction to Epilepsies: Complexity and Comorbidities
Is depression associated with an increased risk of treatment-resistant epilepsy? Research strategies to investigate this question
Are children affected by epileptic neuropsychiatric comorbidities?
Extratemporal lobe circuits in temporal lobe epilepsy
Posttraumatic epilepsy — Disease or comorbidity?
Do certain signal transduction mechanisms explain the comorbidity of epilepsy and mood disorders?
Focus on desynchronization rather than excitability: A new strategy for intraencephalic electrical stimulation
Complex metabolically demanding sensory processing in the olfactory system: Implications for epilepsy
Nervous and immune systems signals and connections: Cytokines in hippocampus physiology and pathology
Alterations of the microvascular network in the sclerotic hippocampus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy
Peritumoral epilepsy: Relating form and function for surgical success
Computational models of dentate gyrus with epilepsy-induced morphological alterations in granule cells
Brain complex network analysis by means of resting state fMRI and graph analysis: Will it be helpful in clinical epilepsy?
Looking for complexity in quantitative semiology of frontal and temporal lobe seizures using neuroethology and graph theory
Emergence of semiology in epileptic seizures
Hippocampal granule cell pathology in epilepsy — A possible structural basis for comorbidities of epilepsy?
Hippocampal injury-induced cognitive and mood dysfunction, altered neurogenesis, and epilepsy: Can early neural stem cell grafting intervention provide protection?
Gene therapy for epilepsy
Systems biology, complexity, and the impact on antiepileptic drug discovery
What are the similarities and differences between schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychosis of epilepsy? A neuropathological approach to the understanding of schizophrenia spectrum and epilepsy
Early-life stress and HPA axis trigger recurrent adulthood depression
Early life stress in epilepsy: A seizure precipitant and risk factor for epileptogenesis
Genomic biomarkers of SUDEP in brain and heart